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The Victorix AIF Variable Capital Investment Company Limited has established 4 (four) investment compartments under its structure which are:


a) V-EMEA with registration number AIF29_1, an investment compartment addressed only to Professional and Well-Informed Investors outside the EEA/EU. The Sub-Fund is focused on the real estate investments, particularly residential and commercial properties in Europe Middle East and Africa region (EMEA). Also, the Sub-Fund may be investing in assets other than real estate in the EMEA Region.


b) V-MACRO with registration number AIF29_2, an investment compartment addressed to Professional and Well-Informed Investors primarily investing in liquid listed financial instruments including equities, ETFs, Commodities, and property (through either direct or ndirect investments in exchange traded funds (ETFs), exchange traded notes (ETNs) and real estate investment trusts (REITs) cash, fixed income securities and currencies.


c) V-PROPERTY with registration number AIF29_3, an investment compartment addressed to Professional and Well-Informed Investors for investing in real estate particularly residential and commercial properties with focus on the Central and Eastern European region.


d) V-PROPERTY II is a sub-fund with the sole target to generate favourable returns from investing in a diversified portfolio of real estate and real estate related investments located in major markets in South Europe and Middle East.

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